Friday, December 6, 2019

TeleMed Supporting Requirements

Question: Discuss about the Report for TeleMed Supporting Requirements. Answer: Introduction In this project, a patient care solution which will be community based, is being developed. This patient care solution once developed will help doctors provide remote assistance to the nurses with extending best healthcare services and facilities to their patience. Doctors wont have to travel to the nurses or patience, and they will be able to assist nurses through remote care facilities which they would be availing through mobile devices. This facility will not only help doctors monitor and manage patiences health conditions and provide/suggest diagnostics but will also encourage patiences and nurses self-care capabilities. This project explores technologies based on cloud and mobile platform, especially with respect to data security, access levels, access permissions and data ownership. Project will also be appraised for its non-functional requirements like reliability, usability, performance, system constrains, interface and system qualities and so on. This software can be develop ed based on Software Development Life Cycle approaches from Adaptive SLDC or Predictive SLDC. In this project both of these approaches will be explored and its pros cons would be compared and the right approach for this softwares development will be identified and suggested (Fosse, 2016). Functional Requirements of the system The system would have five key functional requirements with in the application. These requirements are explained as follows: Sr. No. Requirement Function 1 Starting A device called, TeleMed, will be used by the doctor for interviewing the patients. Doctors will be able to access it by visiting the application and clicking on the TeleMed button. This will not only help doctor schedule interview for new patients, it will also help them, see old interviews of the patience. 2 Scheduling Patience will be able to attend to the interview with the help of the device which would help them with starting a new session on their tablet. It will also help them connect to the electronic device that comes with it. There will also be medical devices for taking required measurements. If patient doubts the test result, he/she will have option to take the test again. 3 Manual Entry There will also be an option for manual entry of the test results into the TeleMed application for the patience. This will specially be helpful to the patient in instances where readings are not automatically transferred to the system. 4 Interview The application on the device would ask patient question regarding his/her health which can be answered with the help of appropriate answering buttons. Once answers for all relevant questions are collected in the system, it will send it to the clinic for the doctors to review. 5 Exit There will a sign out button, which would appear in the center of the device screen, once the interview is over. Along with this, there will also be an exit button, on screens top right corner for the patient to ext the application. System Qualities Usability Application would be flexible to make the buttons appear bigger on screens with lower density similarly it will appear comparatively smaller on screens with lower density. Therefore, it ensures that it provides support for the screen element density. There will be pronounced colors used at the home screen which would be easily recognizable. Once the patient drags mouse curser on any specific button, the colors of all of the other buttons would fade and will become grey to help users clearly distinguish which button they are going to click on. Apart from these, the application makes use of very few metaphorical representations on home screen such as people to suggest video call facility or telephone to suggest call facility (Lause, 2016). Reliability There will be a maximum of 4000 hours of annual downtime for the application. Along with this, system would have an average recovery time one day to ten days in case of a downtime. This is for after the the receiving of the reporting of the downtime (Chung, 2016). Performance Applications response times would be: Refresh time: It will have a Refresh time of 2 seconds for reload of contents Screen Open: It will take 2 seconds for the screen to open after loading Application loading: System would take 4 seconds for the application to load Applications different components would be following processing times: Exports: It would take 10 seconds for the reports to be exported to the doctors. Imports: It would take 10 seconds for the reports to be imported to the patient or nurses Calculations: It would be 1 second for the calculations to happen Functions: There would be an ideal time of 1 second for every function Query or reporting times for loads would be: Subsequent loads: These will take 5 seconds. Initial loads: It will take 10 seconds for Initial loads Supportability This application has used IEEE and Drupal coding standards for the application development and for interface design it has used 1016-2009 design standard. System Interfaces Details User Interfaces Navigation Layout Requirements This application makes use of a grid layout to develop a very simple interface. Here, every element will be placed in proper organized way on the screen. Look Feel There is a very simple look and feel provided to the application. This is to ensure that event the novice and old uses find it easy to understand and use. Customization and User Personalization Requirements This application will have option to personalize it for the users who are granted this access. They will be able to take interviews, view their own reports submitted earlier as well as submit their self-care reports Consistency This application makes use of very simple interface to make sure that there is a consistency of menus, commands and prompts at every page and stages of the application. (Malan, 2010). Interfaces to External Devices or Systems Communications Interfaces For communication Internet connection will be needed on the mobile devices as well as on the tablet for them to be able to be connected to the remote clinic with the help of this application. Although interviews can be carried and recorded on the local device without internet connection, they wont be able to send or submit the report without the internet connections. Hardware Interfaces They will need to use additional specialized medical equipments to carry various tests like sugar levels and blood pressure etc. on the patients person. Software Interfaces The software will have to be connected, with the help of internet, to the mobile application. This will also serve as an additional interface for them. Business Rules Supports and Training Support Support will be extended to the patient and the nurses through calls centers which would connecti them to the specialized technical service desk. For this purpose equipment installation will have be taken care by the company (Condde, 2010). Training Product support Health training will be provided to the client or customer for a maximum of 25 CPD hours as per the contracts System Constraints The system will not enable the devices to read the test outputs which are not configured in advance into the system. This would also apply to the use of any new devices launched in the market. All of the tests will have to be taken by pre-configured devices. (Dettmer, 2016). System Compliance Licensing Requirements All devices to be used will have to be licensed to be used for corporate uses. This would apply to all external software as well all devices wherever applicable. (McAtee, 2016) Copyright, Legal Other Notices The parent company would reserves the patent rights for the software. And this cant be developed or resolt to anyone else without prior approvals. Applicable Standards Following standards is considered in development of the : Drupal Coding standard IEEE 1016-2009 design standard APNA accreditation for training on software(Shaikh, 2016) System Documentation The application will come with a usage manual and training module and materials for the patients to refer while learning to use the application. Also, it will have a website for it containing video and blogs for self help (Rhyous, 2016). Cloud Based Solution For the development of this system or project IaaS cloud deployment will be used for development of solution. This model allows a third party service provider to develop the system for the company, which is the requirement here and this is its biggest advantage. This model is also helpful for later maintenance activities and implementations. This can also be used for post-implementation and maintenance activities. This is also more scalable for future uses. SLDC Approach Predictive Adaptive A drawback of this is that testing can be done only after all development activities are completed. For this approach one needs to have knowledge regarding all of the intricacies of project including all requisite technical methodology and knowledge Another drawback of this method is that all requirements will have to be clearly identified and documented before the starting of the development project. The requirements dont needs to be detailed at start and therefore, its difficult to predict of efforts that is required for the development of the project This approach is greatly focused on the system structure This method doesnt follow any specific structure and is very flexible in nature which enables to to accommodate any change. All elements needs to be tested at the end before a system made live Testing can be done in phases For this project, considering above pros and cons Predictive SLDC is recommended to be used. References Shaikh, A. (2016). A system design for a telemedicine health care system. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from Rhyous,. (2011). The 8 Types of Technical Documentation and Why Each Is Important. Rhyous. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from McAtee, M. (2016). A good compliance system takes the administrating out of managing. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from Malan, R. (2010). Defining Non-Functional Requirements. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from Lause, S. (2016). Six Styles for Usability Requirements. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from

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